We worship the sun - through generosity, creativity, and hard work.

Welcome home.

What sound does an owl make? Hoo... πŸ¦‰

...is Helioz?We're a theme camp. We come to provide to the playa, not to be provided for. We are united in this objective, and we all work together to achieve our goals.We are a group of approximately 40 campers dedicated to enhancing the Burning Man experience. We keep to the 10 Principles of Burning Man.

A typical day @ Helioz might include...

Roasting beasts to feast with the neighborhood (3:00+G Plaza)

Group expeditions to deep playa - return not guaranteed

Serving the finest pickle backs in Black Rock, from our tavern

Destroying the moon with a laser (Danger's laser v1, 2017)

Sunrise, or sunset - or both.
Did we mention we like the sun?

Lighting things on fire
(Dragonfly burn, 2018)


We're united by a desire to give to the playa, and committed to delivering delight - effectively, efficiently, and cooperatively.


We are all self-reliant. Everyone is fully prepared to ride out the playa, come what may of wind, dust, or broken kitchen equipment. If we can’t take care of ourselves, we can’t care for others.



⚑️ Electrical / grey and drinking water / fuelπŸš› Logistics to and from eventπŸ₯˜ Stocked kitchen and family-style dinners✨ "Group activities"πŸŽͺ Infrastructure / apartments / shade / showerπŸŽ– 11 consecutive years on playa

Neighborhood (3+G Plaza)

πŸ₯ƒ Free drinks and parties at the Helio-tavernπŸ– Beast roasts to feed the whole neighborhoodπŸ–Ό Sensory Overload BunkerπŸ§ͺ Hug Research LaboratoryπŸ—Ό Tower of Helioz🍜 'Tasteful Noods' mobile noodle-bar

And more?...

🌞 Heliophiles welcome.

If this radiates with you, then please introduce yourself...